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Unlock Crypto Interface

With SiDE

Sniping? Easy. Swapping? Instant. Profits? Yolo.
Non-Custodial & Friction Less
Referral Rewards and so much more to explore
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Snipe Like a

Don’t miss out on your alpha by being late to the party, snip easy with Side Bot.

PNL Tracking

Clear cut PNL tracking and management through interactive UI miniapps.

Smart Account

Sidebot utilizes Biconomy AA or small accounts for wallet sessions management.

Swap within
two clicks

All best swap deals on your fingertips. Find tokens, swap and hold balances faster.

Go beyond

Blockchain should not be a barrier when it comes to best tokens and trades.


With help of MPC, sidebot will power accounts that are secure and non - custodial.
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The Ambassador’s Program
Join the SideBot community to get regular updates on the Ambassadors program and grab rewards by earning Side Points.